Code Portfolio

First Impressions

This app is very similar to facebook in terms of user experience. Users are greeted with a login screen, where they input their information to sign in, or create an account if they don't already have one.

The Home Feed

When users log in, they are greeted with their home feed. This consists of posts of their own, along with those of the people they follow. Users are able to engage with posts in different ways, such as different reactions and posting comments. At the top of the home page, users are also able to create new posts. All they have to do is input their text, and add something extra, like a picture, location, or feeling, and hit post for all of their friends to see.

User Profiles

Each user also has their own profile, where others can see all of their posts, and learn more about them. This is where users are able to update their info as well, should they wish.

How It Works

This app is built using React and JavaScript/TypeScript on the front-end, and a REST api and MongoDB on the back. Every action the users does, such as submitting a post, entering a comment, or following a user goes through the front end, passed to the api, and information is exchanged with the database. I would make a live version of the app, but there unfortunately isn't a free way to do that, hence the reason for this page existing.