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State Of Progress

I've been putting a good amount of work into this still, but mostly on some more boring things. Creating animator overriders, setting up a weapon system, adding more movement to the player, setting up stats, etc. Currently, this main project is paused. It is a big undertaking, especially with how I want this game to turn out, so I've decided to create a smaller game project that I am currently working on. You can find that in my GitHub.

Once I have gotten that game to a good spot, and maybe even releasing it, I would like to continue working on this game. I think with some renowned confidence, and sharpened skills, I'll be able to hit this project even harder. I will also start a Dev Log of the other project in the meantime. That will be linked here soon

I know this is mostly just talking to myself...but I am happy where things are going at the moment. I really want to make something out of these developments. Maybe I can look back in a few years at these logs and see how far I've come. Cheers.